A Long-eared Owl sure blends in on the edge of a cedar at a lake front park. The local Crows knew he was there though. I tell people all the time, listen to the wild when out and about, and some may point out such sightings you could easily walk right by.

A Great Horned Owl that I discovered right around the corner from the house showing it's skill of blending in.

And the first day that I noticed it, it wasn't as above. I happened to spot it's backside way up in a pine. How I ever took notice to her that day, without the assistance of any alarmed wildlife or online reports is beyond me. Just pure luck.

I never thought a Barred Owl could disappear in the woods, their feathers appear quite white on the eyes, when in close view. But a little further back and I can see why so many people walked right past this guy in Etobicoke in November.

I know a few people who've gone the same route we have looking for Snowy Owls this winter and say they never saw a single one every visit. While we saw on average 3 each time and others we know were spotting 6! Of course it could very well be the Snowys weren't around, but then again, maybe a double or triple check on a lump out in the field is needed.

Maybe if I didn't centre the Northern Saw-whet Owl here, you might have to take a moment to find him?

The Screeches are the true masters in my opinion.

And of course, so many times, we think we see something, such as an Owl, but it turns out to be not the case. I really did think that lump on the branch was one. I bet my next walk of this area when Spring migration is in full swing will have me do a double look here again.

Like Ferris Bueller says "life moves pretty fast, you gotta stop and look around once in a while, you just may miss something" and I add this... "like an Owl".
Thanks for viewing, comments are always appreciated. I don't forsee any more Owl blogs/photos coming up in the next while as Spring migration is rapidly approaching. But you never know. In the meantime, perhaps you may want to check out my first "Masters of Camouflage" blog, or how about why it's not good to tell everyone in the world where an Owl is, especially a nesting one with my "Stealing An Owl Ain't Cool..." blog and lastly, one of the most heartfelt important blogs I have done regarding a lovely little Saw-whet Owl that roosted in our area this winter "Through the Eyes of a Saw-whet Owl"... it's a long one that should keep ya going till my next entry. :)
hmmmmm... I could swear I see Rob hiding in the trees in a few of these shots....
Holly, Ashley, Shelby
I thoroughly enjoyed this blog thanks for sharing.
It is fascinating to see how well owls can camouflage themselves.
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