Meadow Mueller 07/2003 - 04/2015

Meadow Mueller 07/2003 - 04/2015

August 29, 2018

Epic Sunday At Home

As the title states, we had an epic Sunday at home.

For starts, a Red Squirrel showed up in our backyard and spent the afternoon with us. A feisty little creature who was hilarious to watch. He attacked the Pigeons and Eastern Grey Squirrels, trying to get peanuts and sunflower chips; and he was quite successful.

Sure this may not be very exciting to some of you, but it's only the second time we have ever seen a Red Squirrel in our backyard. They are pretty common in the woods near us but not right in our neighbourhood.

I have not seen him since but will keep a look out for him in the coming days anyway.

Then, the bunny showed up again and spent the day with us. He's obviously around a lot but some days we just don't see him. It'll be a few days of sightings, then nothing, then suddenly he's back again. Some times the days away can go 4 or 5. We can't help but wonder where he is, if he's alright. He definitely adds to our whole backyard experience, prompting my hashtag #whygotothewoods

I still haven't cut the lawn since he first appeared about a month ago!

Some years ago I was told to plant black & blue Salvia plants because the Hummingbirds really like them. Every year I've looked out for them at the local garden centres and never had any luck. This past Spring I was in a garden centre I don't normally go to towards Mississauga, and I was thrilled to find this plant. I bought four for the season, just to try them out, and the last few weeks we've been spotting the Hummingbirds buzzing in and out of the plants. We have at least 4 Hummingbirds coming to visit the last few weeks. They too are a wonderful addition to the backyard experience through the Summer months.

We have a deep backyard and this spot is further down, partially hidden by the hollies. I need to spend more time on the lawn watching here, while the birds are still with us. Sunday I got lucky, happened to be in the right spot at the right time to see this one hitting up the flowers for some nourishment.

Then as if Sunday could not get any better...

The day turned into night. Angie went to bed. I was out back watching a couple Skunks, then came inside to listen to some music before I turned in. I check my Facebook and see a message in my inbox. It's from a neighbour up the street. She said that they were currently listening to a Great Horned Owl calling. I get my shoes on, grab my head lamp and dash outside. I don't hear anything. I go out front and start walking up the street. I can hear it off in the distance. I follow the sound and get to the edge of some private property, walking along the fence line, and listen. The calls are louder now. To my delight, there are two Owls calling back and forth! I stand there in the darkness for the next 5 minutes or so, just listening. I rarely hear any Owls calling anywhere so this was great! I have to wonder if one of the Owls is my old "friend" Grace? I saw Grace randomly from Spring to Fall in the same tree near us for 5 years. This tree stands on the edge of a large wooded area. I suspect in the colder months she went deeper in. Then one Spring not too long ago, she did not return. I'm allowed to think she's still out there and one of these two could be her, right?

Another weekend is approaching. I have no expectations on what wild wonders it may bring. I will tune in and embrace whatever comes. I know some of you will too.


Tammie said...

Well, I'm glad SOMEone is happy to see a Red Squirrel .... our nemesis creatures up here! You enjoy that one. ;) And good luck with the Owls. How cool is that!!

Smarkle said...

That's a great day! I feel lucky when I see my fat blackie. I had a racoon in my garage the other day, I wish I could have seen him. Good blog as always!

Nicole Corrado said...

Beautiful photos!